POV: You discover a diary entry from September 2020 (and the year is 2120)

Riya Doultani
3 min readDec 21, 2020

It’s the year 2020.


We have all been prisoners inside our own houses for the most part of the year.

We are in the middle of a pandemic (it shall not be named).

We are in the middle of historical events that will change the ways of the world forever (hopefully for the better, but the elections aren’t over yet).

We have witnessed huge political turmoil throughout the world in the past year and continue to do so.

Our minds are screaming in the agony of everything that’s happening.

We are loosing people we love, we are loosing our jobs, we are loosing our friendships and relationships to differences in beliefs, we are loosing the will to exist and coexist and most importantly, we are losing hope.

I am sitting on my bed, crazed with anxiety and pain, wishing that I could just go back to days when all I worried about was my math test and whether I would be able to sneak a good read of my favorite book before I go to bed and the lights turn off.

I wish, God, I wish that I just wouldn’t care about social justice and politics and being on the right side of the mob.

I just want to stop caring about who gets to ride the next wave of change, I want to not care about the agenda or the right & left. I don’t want to care about liberals, conservatives, fascists, or whoever the fuck has managed to create a buzzword about themselves.

I just want to be a human existing in this world full of wonder and beauty and a rich history and so many cultures.

I want to stop caring but I can’t because just like a single word turns into a war cry, a single human being can influence change if not for the world, at least for the people around them.

Plus we are also learning to survive this wave by doing things that truly bring us joy (and likes on Insta). We are bringing out the chef, the musician, the artist, the writer and the fitness guru that had been buried inside us to the front. So what if its just for the gram? You will soon learn that social currency is a thing.

We are slowly raising twitter wars against the 1%ers too (you should witness the trending hashtags, phenomenal!)

We are happily calling out the boomers for economic destruction, millennials for ending many industries and failing in adulting and Gen Z for being utterly unbothered yet depressed at the same time.

This was the craziest year but it also taught us there is more to life than you know and anything could happen in a split second. So, we have now planned 82 tinder dates and 17406 plans with our friends and family once this is over.

By the way, all of us are somehow convinced that the new year will eliminate the virus magically :)

By then, this page will already be in a bottle, washed away to the other side of the ocean in hopes that some tiktok kid finds it and makes this entry go viral (pretty, please).

